News, happenings, and feedback from the Staff at the Cultural Activities Center in Temple, Texas.


Way to go, Marilyn!

Our Visual Arts Director, Marilyn Ritchie, was recently invited to serve as an Advisory Review Panelist for the Texas Commission for the Arts’ Application Review Process. Panelists are appointed by an extensive nomination and approval process and Marilyn was nominated by three separate individuals.

She was selected for her knowledge, understanding, experience and high standards. Panel members serve a two-year term and meet each Spring to review grant applications submitted to the Commission.

Congratulations, Marilyn! We know you are the PERFECT person for the job!


Frog Invasion

Today is the first day of Arts-in-Education at the CAC!

A big thanks to BNSF Railways, Texas Commission on the Arts, The National Endowment for the Arts, the Temple & Belton Independent School Districts and CAC Member Support.
Your support allows these great programs to continue bringing arts opportunities to kids!

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We Will Never Forget

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By sharing our stories, we can ensure that the world never forgets.

What follows are the stories from the Staff at the CAC about their memories from 9/11. We hope they will help us remember those who were lost and honor those who fight to keep it from ever happening again.

Regina B.
Marketing Director

We Will Never Forget - Part 1

I was here, at work, teaching a class. Ines came back and told us there had been an accident at the WTC in New York. There was a television in the office and we all came to see what happened. We watched in horror as the second plane hit. Still not believing what we were seeing, we watched. They were saying it had to be an act of war, but who was it? Who were we at war with and who could we possibly blame for this terrible act? Our totally naïve minds could not imagine anyone attacking the U.S. We are “protected!” Well I guess they woke us up.

I am not able to express the thorough sadness that filled me that day, for all those people and the loved ones searching for them hoping they were somehow spared. We are lucky to be here and need to never forget to tell our family and friends how much they are loved.

Marilyn R.
Visual Arts Director/Curator

We Will Never Forget - Part 2

I was a freshman at UMHB. My day started like any other day. I got up, got ready for class, grabbed my backpack and headed to class. But that day was different.

On the way to class, I saw people standing in clusters talking, others with their heads bowed, and others kneeling at the UMHB bell. I got to the Davidson building where I had my computer class, and the lobby was packed with people around the TV in the hall. I kept thinking "what is going on? If those people keep standing around, they are going to be late for class." Ten minutes went by and in came out professor with a very sad look on his face. I was extremely concerned. Then, that was it. My professor announced, “Due to the present circumstances in New York, class is cancelled. I wish for you all to pray for the lives that are in danger, and for our country.” Then he left.

I was even more confused then ever because I had no idea what he was talking about. I leaned over to a friend of mine and asked her what was going on. She told me that the two towers in New York, the Trade Center, had been hit by an airplane. I stood there in shock. I thought she was kidding. But she wasn’t. She took me into the hall and we all stood in horror as we watched on the news as the second plane hit the second tower. I couldn’t believe it. I walked back to my dorm noticing all of my classmates and fellow crusaders kneeling, crying…praying.

I kept thinking to myself, God why is this happening? I ran up to my friend’s room, woke her up and told her what was happening. We turned on the news and we sat there crying as we watched the horrific event on TV. I never ever thought I would have witnessed something that awful in my life.

Kristen L.
Educational Coordinator

We Will Never Forget - Part 3

I can remember the heartstopping disbelief as my (now ex) husband and I were driving north to visit his relatives in Canada and we heard the terrible news. What if....If only....

As I kissed my daughter this morning before I dropped her off at preschool, I thought to myself for what has to be the millionth time, "Thank you God."

We had driven to New Jersey for a visit with the family. What a fun trip. We crossed the country, headed east from Texas. We stopped in Nashville on Saturday and then got up Sunday morning and drove to Washington D.C. I had never been to D.C. so I was as excited as a little kid. We stayed in a beautiful hotel less than six blocks from the Capitol.

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I can remember the Korean War Memorial. Walking through that grassy space and those slightly oversized soldiers sent chills down my spine. I have always been the kind of person to choke up at a really beautiful performance of the National Anthem and the Posting of the Colors brings tears every time. So you can imagine seeing the reminders in our Nation's capital was a little overwhelming.

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We talked about staying in D.C. another day, as the White House doesn't do tours on Mondays but decided to go on to New Jersey. On the way out of town, traffic was so bad headed straight north that we went around the city. We had the chance to see the Pentagon and I took a picture from the car. I can remember pouting a little because there were so many things that I wanted to see and wishing that we'd decided to stay another day. Why rush on to New Jersey? We were about to spend two weeks with the family. Who knew when we'd get back to D.C.?

But we pressed on.

Typically, we have taken the day after we arrived in New Jersey to go into New York and do the tourist thing. My ex-husband hates the City. I imagine it would be a little like if we went into Dallas with someone that had never been out of their little hometown. It would be really neat and big and new and novel to them, but we'd be bored because it is so familiar. But, I was a complete tourist, in love with all of the places I'd seen in the movies. Anyway, we always took the train into NYC and started at Penn Station in Uptown Manhattan. Manhattan is so big, though, that we never made it to the places in Lower Manhattan (like the Stock Exchange and the World Trade Center) before it was time for us to leave. So, we had decided to go into NYC the next time and start at the World Trade Center and work our way up. That was the plan.
Tuesday morning (9/11), we woke up and decided to forgo the NYC trip and go on to Canada to visit with the relatives in Montreal. So, we piled in our Tahoe and headed north (again), at around 7:30am.

We were listening to music CDs and didn't hear the inital news. Inbetween switching out CDs though, we heard Howard Stern sounding VERY serious so that (naturally) caught our attention. We were listening as the second plane hit the south tower, when the plane hit the Pentagon and then when the towers collapsed. To not be able to see but only imagine such a horrifying event was beyond awful. I can still remember my ex looking at me and saying, "this was not an accident." He looked at me and said, "they are going to close the borders." We drove about 9o mph the rest of the way to the border and, sure enough, we were one of the last people through before they closed the borders. Only once we arrived at the home of family did we see the carnage that was taking place in New York, Washington and in a grassy field in Pennsylvania.
All day, we watched the horror over and over, unable to tear ourselves away from those horrible pictures on the news.

Then, I remembered. We should have been there. My entire family thought my ex and I had gone into New York City that morning. They knew how excited I was about seeing the World Trade Center and they hadn't heard from me. After a few frantic calls and lots of reassurance that we were "safe" - the magnitude began to truly hit me.

If we had done what we had always done and what we had, until 7:00 that morning, planned to do, my ex and I should have been in the World Trade Center at 9am on September 11. Thank God for changed minds.

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As we drove back from Canada on the 15th, we were numb from all of the news coverage. We wanted to go home, to Texas. We saw something incredible - American Flags - EVERYWHERE. You couldn't find a flag in any store because they had all sold out. In the four days that we'd been in Canada, there wasn't a flag left to buy on the East Coast. They were on every house, shop, car, overpass - you name it. It was awe inspiring. As we drove West on the way home, it was like that the entire way.

Now, five years have gone by and a lot of that feeling of unity and patriotism has dulled back to pre-9/11 days. But I still remember. I will always remember and be thankful that we changed our mind and our plans and, perhaps, it saved our lives that day.

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Regina B.
Marketing Director


We're Listing on Technorati

Look for several of these posts over the next day or so - the word is out and we are spreading it!

Catch us on a blogroll near you! You just never know where we might show up!

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