News, happenings, and feedback from the Staff at the Cultural Activities Center in Temple, Texas.


In September the Contemporaries introduced Hands-on...."Dancing with Dragons" ...tales of ancient China. This is a totally new program for us with help from so many people. Inspiring leader, Lajuana Carabasi has been a one-woman dynamo for months and Margaret Turner has been Lajuana's right-hand woman. Joanna Langthorn helped choreograph Movement plus loaned us the screens and fans in the gallery and Renee Gillenwater loaned the Contemporaries her colorful dragon which was used in Movement. Byron Lovelace, Technical Director for the CAC, built so many things including a complete Chinese village. Elaine Dobos shared her astounding artistic talent with us for all of these children with the marvelous and HUGE stage backdrop. Reeneea Schraeder took newspaper, glue, felt and other mysterious items and turned out a fantastic dragon's head. So many of the Conteporaries have loaned their own personal treasures to be displayed in the gallery. Lots of kids from Belton ISD and Temple ISD have enjoyed and learned a lot from these fabulous women! Great job Contemporaries!