News, happenings, and feedback from the Staff at the Cultural Activities Center in Temple, Texas.


Sally DiGaetano Memorial Dedication

Saturday, June 23, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. the Scott & White Foyer was filled with tons of people to witness the dedication and lighting of Sally DiGaetano's Memorial Chandelier. Many of Sally's Friends and Family attended to see this beautiful masterpiece that was created by Robert R. Rynearson, Jr. of Ryno Glass. Marianne Stringfellow, Chonie Pischinger, Hilde Cort, Don Cummings, Bill DiGaetano, and Bob Rynearson all said a few words about how the memorial was decided, what was envisioned, many thanks to all that made donations to make the chandelier possible, and shared many wonderful memories of Sally. The plaque that hangs in Scott & White Foyer informs all that visit the CAC about the memorial and how Sally was not only "A Shining Light" at the CAC but to everyone she encountered.Thank you to all that made donations in honor of Sally, all the hard work that was put into making this a magnificent piece of art, and to Sally's Family and Friends for their love and dedication to making this chandelier a possibility.

Sally DiGaetano Memorial Installation

Last week began the installation of the new memorial chandelier in dedication of our beloved Sally DiGaetano in Scott & White Foyer at the CAC.
Once the base of the chandelier was put up, Bob Rynearson of Ryno Glass, came in with all the different blown glass globes that were made especially for this memorial.
Each globe was purchased and designed by different people and their name was engraved in the top of the glass globe.
It took a couple of days to get everything perfect and set for the big dedication ceremony on Saturday, June 23, 2007.
Many thanks to EBCO, Inc., Davis: Metalsmiths, Wilsonart, and Ryno Glass who were here installing this beautiful memorial.


Summer Arts Camp: ASIA

Each year the CAC puts together a camp during the month of June for kids ages 5 to 12 years old. This year the kids explored the wonders of Japan and China as they indulged in clay, origami, lanterns, dragon masks, kabhuki theatre, haiku writing and much more. We had quite a few leaders and teachers that made this camp possible, which were:
Betsi Chamlee, Drawing & Painting
Stephen Bishiop, Asia Art
George Narro, Wise Art
Robbie Thompson, 3D Art
Suzanne Besser, Theatre Mistress
Byron Lovelace, Theatre Master
The end of the first week, Jr.Asia, the kids presented a parade of their art for their parents, as they wound their way through Wendland Hall.
At the end of last two weeks, Asia I: Japan and Asia II: China, the kids put on a performance for their parents to see what they learned in theatre all week. The first camp performed a Japanese tale called "Hidesato, My Lord Bag of Rice."
The second camp performed a Chinese Tale called "The Seven Chinese Brothers." Each story was adapted by our two Kabuki Theatre Directors, Byron Lovelace and Suzanne Besser.
The kids put on a great performance and really had a great time. We are so glad your children were able to come and join us this year and we look forward to seeing them again next year!
To view more pictures you can go to our flickr account. Also DVD's will be available of the performances. Please contact us at 773-9926 for more information.