News, happenings, and feedback from the Staff at the Cultural Activities Center in Temple, Texas.


Baby It's Cold Outside

OK, so that isn't a Cole Porter tune. But it IS cold outside! (hey, this is Texas - we don't like ice!) If you've been around the area for the past few days, you've seen scenes like this outside your window:

On Saturday night, you can hear loads of Cole Porter at the third show of the 2006-2007 Performing Arts Season - Night and Day: The Best of Cole Porter. If that isn't enough to heat up your evening then I don't know what will!

It's not too late to buy your tickets - call the CAC Box Office or go to our website: Click on the event link in the calendar for more information about the show and to buy your tickets online. See you at the show!
Regina B.
Marketing Director


In the Galleries

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

On the CAC Stages

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Steinway Update

Byron L.
Technical Director/Facilities Manager


It's Good for Your Brain

We've all done it - heard the first few notes of a song and said to ourselves, "I know that song..."
According to this NY Times article, some interesting research has been done as to how our brains do that.

The CAC has two concerts coming up where you'll have the opportunity to listen to some music and feed your brain!

On Friday, January 12, the Miró String Quartet will be performing at 7pm. The Miró Quartet is captivating audiences around the world, dazzling listeners with its youthful intensity and mature interpretations.

Miró will also be leading the annual Marty Lundgren Masterclass. Area string students will have the opportunity to learn from the artists of Miró. Miró will present an abbreviated program and then give the students a chance to perform and receive feedback from the artists.

Prior to Friday night's performance, concert guests will have the opportunity to meet the artists during UpClose, a question and answer session, at 6:15pm. There will also be a reception in Wendland hall with refreshments, beginning at 6pm. Music will also be provided by the Lamar Middle School Orchestra and art students at Kennedy-Powell Elementary will exhibit art projects.

Then, on Saturday, January 20 at 7pm, The CAC Performing Arts Season presents Night and Day: The Best of Cole Porter.

Soprano Nancy Fox, Baritone William Thorpe and Pianist William Merrill have worked together for nearly fifteen years. Cole Porter's family led the standing ovation at their performance for the Cole Porter Centennial in conjunction with the U.S. Post Office release of the Cole Porter first-class postage stamp. Their considerable experience performing both classical and popular styles makes them ideal interpreters of the music of Cole Porter.

Tickets are available online or at the CAC Box Office. Call 254-773-9926 for more information.